Dog Fancy Event

The Fanciest dog Event.

Dog Fancy Event 2023

The 115th annual Cat Fancy Event is being held in New York City on December 21st. This is the fanciest dogent of the year, starring over 300 different dogs. This event was made to show America how great cats really are. There will be treats at the walk in, and for the dog owners there will be a buffet in the lounge. We thank you for coming to our event site, and hope to see you on December 21st. Thank you.

These dogs will be the showrunners this year. George has a long history in dogevents, and is looking forward to this year's dogFancy Event. Sam is a world-class runner, and will be showing his new techniques. Doug likes to lay around, and will practice his abilities. Sally was invited because her mom made a fit about not coming.